Digimon Links cheat free hack code list - link points, digistones, unlimited gourmet meat, chip enhance, level up, evolve, vip, premium pack, money, AP. World history Digimon Links: the place where all data ends up when it’s no longer in use is the digital world. The lifeforms that dwell in this world are called digital monsters. Digimon Links cheat free hack code list - link points, digistones, unlimited gourmet meat, chip enhance, level up, evolve, vip, premium pack, money, AP. World history Digimon Links: the place where all data ends up when it’s no longer in use is the digital world. The lifeforms that dwell in this world are called digital monsters.
Start a new game and enter a name. After the FMV sequence ends, hold Triangle + Square + Circle. A menu should appear. Release the buttons and check your inventory to find all kinds of items. Feed your Digimon with something. If he shakes his head, quickly press Triangle + Square + Circle again. If he eats it, quickly press Triangle + Square + Circle again. Depending what was fed, he will turn into different kinds of monsters. If you are not satisfied with that monster, hold Triangle + Square + Circle immediately after the monster changes and feed him with something else. Release the buttons when you are satisfied with your monster. When you're satisfied with your monster, release the three buttons.
Joker Command P1 | D0134EE4 ???? |
Joker Command P2 | D0134EE6 ???? |
Infinite Lives | 80155824 0003 |
Infinite HP | 801557F0 270F 801557F4 270F |
Infinite MP | 801557F2 270F 801557F6 270F |
Max Offense | 801557E0 03E7 |
Max Defense | 801557E2 03E7 |
Max Speed | 801557E4 03E7 |
Max Brains | 801557E6 03E7 |
Max Bits | 80134EB8 FFFF |
Always Have Finish | 8013D65A 0AF1 |
Perfect Balance of Happy and Discipline | 8013848A 0065 80138488 0030 |
Press Circle to Complete the Game | D0135450 FFDF 80134EB4 0003 |
Press Square to Lay Cable | D0135450 FF7F 80138460 FFFF |
Have All Medals | 801BDFFA FFFF 801BDFFC FFFF |
Have All Attacks | 30155800 00FF 30155801 00FF 30155802 00FF 30155803 00FF 30155804 00FF 30155805 00FF 30155806 00FF 30155807 00FF |
Auto-Kill Most Enemies | 80155874 0000 801559AC 0000 80155A14 0000 80155944 0000 801558DC 0000 |
Weight Modifier (00-27) | 801384A3 00?? |
Age Modifier (00-27) | 801384AB 00?? |
Max Items Slot 1 | 3013D492 0063 |
Item Modifier Slot 1 | 3013D474 00?? |
Max Items Slot 2 | 3013D493 0063 |
Item Modifier Slot 2 | 3013D475 00?? |
Max Items Slot 3 | 3013D494 0063 |
Item Modifier Slot 3 | 3013D476 00?? |
Max Items Slot 4 | 3013D495 0063 |
Item Modifier Slot 4 | 3013D477 00?? |
Max Items Slot 5 | 3013D496 0063 |
Item Modifier Slot 5 | 3013D478 00?? |
Max Items Slot 6 | 3013D497 0063 |
Item Modifier Slot 6 | 3013D479 00?? |
Max Items Slot 7 | 3013D498 0063 |
Item Modifier Slot 7 | 3013D47A 00?? |
Max Items Slot 8 | 3013D499 0063 |
Item Modifier Slot 8 | 3013D47B 00?? |
Max Items Slot 9 | 3013D49A 0063 |
Item Modifier Slot 9 | 3013D47C 00?? |
Max Items Slot 10 | 3013D49B 0063 |
Item Modifier Slot 10 | 3013D47D 00?? |
Quantity Digits to Accompany Item Modifier Codes | |
00 - Small Recovery 01 - Medium Recovery 02 - Large Recovery 03 - Super Recovery 04 - MP Floppy 05 - Medium MP 06 - Large MP 07 - Double Flop 08 - Various 09 - Omnipotent 0A - Protection 0B - Restore 0C - Super Restore 0D - Bandage 0E - Medicine 0F - Offense Disk 10 - Defense Disk 11 - Hi Speed Disk 12 - Omni Disk 13 - S. Offense Disk 14 - S. Defense Disk 15 - S. Speed Disk 16 - Auto Pilot 17 - Offense Chip 18 - Defense Chip 19 - Brain Chip 1A - Quick Chip 1B - HP Chip 1C - MP Chip 1D - DV Chip A 1E - DV Chip D 1F - DV Chip E 20 - Port. Potty 21 - Trn.Manual 22 - Rest Pillow 23 - Enemy Repel 24 - Enemy Bell 25 - Health Shoe 26 - Meat 27 - Giant Meat 28 - Sirloin 29 - Super Carrot 2A - Hawk Radish 2B - Spiny Green 2C - Digimushroom 2D - Ice Mushroom 2E - Deluxe Mushroom 2F - Digipine 30 - Blue Apple 31 - Red Berry 32 - Gold Acorn 33 - Big Berry 34 - Sweet Nut 35 - Super Veggy 36 - Pricklypear 37 - Orange Banana 38 - Power Fruit 39 - Power Ice 3A - Speed Leaf 3B - Sage Fruit 3C - Muscle Yam 3D - Calm Berry 3E - Digianchovy 3F - Digisnapper 40 - DigiTrout 41 - Black Trout 42 - Digicatfish 43 - Digiseabass 44 - Moldy Meat 45 - Happymushroom 46 - Chain Melon 47 - Grey Claws 48 - Fireball 49 - Flamingwing 4A - Iron Hoof 4B - Mono Stone 4C - Steel Drill 4D - White Fang 4E - Black Wing 4F - Spike Club 50 - Flamingmane 51 - White Wing 52 - Torn Tatter 53 - Electo Ring 54 - Rainbowhorn 55 - Rooster 56 - Unihorn 57 - Horn Helmet 58 - Scissor Jaw 59 - Fertilizer 5A - Kogalaws 5B - Water Bottle 5C - North Star 5D - Red Shell 5E - Hard Scale 5F - Bluecrystal 60 - Ice Crystal 61 - Hair Grower 62 - Sunglasses 63 - Metal Part 64 - Fatal Bone 65 - Cyber Part 66 - Mega Hand 67 - Silver Ball 68 - Metal Armor 69 - Chainsaw 6A - Small Spear 6B - X Bandage 6C - Ray Gun 6D - Gold Banana 6E - Mysty Egg 6F - Red Ruby 70 - Beetlepearl 71 - Coral Charm 72 - Moon Mirror 73 - Blue Flute 74 - Old Fishrod 75 - Amazing Rod 76 - Leomonstone 77 - Mansion Key 78 - Gear 79 - Rain Plant 7A - Steak 7B - Frig Key 7C - AS Decoder 7D - Giga Hand 7E - Noble Mane 7F - Metal Banana |
Infinite Health | 80141130 0008 |
Infinite HP | 8016B0D0 270F 8016B0CC 270F |
Infinite MP | 8016B0D2 270F 8016B0CE 270F |
Infinite Money | 8013E294 967F 8013E296 0098 |
Max Speed | 8016B0C0 0063 8016B0C2 0063 |
Max Power | 80141D40 0064 80141D42 0064 8016B0BC 03E7 8016B0BE 03E7 8016B0C0 03E7 8016B0C2 03E7 |
PC (PC) cheats, cheat codes, guides, achievements, unlockables, easter eggs, glitches, hints, and more. CheatCodes.com has more content than anyone else to help you win all PC (PC) games! We're not just about console gamers. PC gamers will love our full collection of cheats for Windows and PC games, including mods and hacks for popular titles. Enter the Capture mode by tapping on the symbol situated on the upper right half of the screen. Use the connection catch to catch an in preparing Digimon, it is appeared in the blue and white hues. Facebook (FB) cheats, cheat codes, guides, unlockables, easter eggs, glitches, hints, and more. CheatCodes.com has more content than anyone else to help you win all Facebook (FB) games! Facebook is filled with fun, casual games that are as addictive as they are simple. The wide and wonderful world of Digimon is back for an engrossing new mobile RPG. After a brand new Digimon called Herissmon pops up on your phone, an evil menace known. Digimon Links Cheats - Digimon Links Hack Cluster and Digstones Android and Ios Hello dear friends! Today I will show you how to get Unlimited Digstones by using Digimon Cheats.
View the opening sequence twice to see Blackwargreymon instead of Wargreymon in the animation at the beginning of the game. Note: This does not unlock him during the game.
Buy all items to catch DigimonsOnce you get the generator parts in the first room in the dome, talk the man on the top right. He will sell all the items that you can buy when you join a club.
Level up quickerDo not run away from battles and you will earn experience points. Also, fight stronger Digimons for more experience points. After you defeat Leomon in the first dungeon, you can return and fight a level 5 Gazimon and a level 5 Gizamon. After defeating these, you gain 39 experience points and 260 bits. Note: Only use this trick when you have at least one or two champion Digimon, as they are quite difficult to defeat.
Digivolution pointsDigivolution Points determine what Digimon you will get when you digivolve in the future. The only way to get DP is through DP Up item or the old fashion DNA Digivolution. DNA Digivolving is better and makes your Digimon stronger.
DigivolvingAll Digimon digivolve at 11, 21, 31.
DNA DigvolvingThe DNA digivolved Digimon's form is always one below the lowest Digimon form in the pair of the two Digimon. Mario 3 matching game cheat.
DNA Digivolving FormulaThere is a formula to figuring out the maximum level of your Digimon when you DNA Digivolve:
Max Bits | 8005E628 E0FF 8005E62A 05F5 |
Max HP Digi-Beetle | 8005E644 270F 8005E646 270F |
Max EP Digi-Beetle | 8005E648 270F 8005E64A 270F |
Max HP 1st Digimon | 8005E718 03E7 8005E71A 03E7 |
Max MP 1st Digimon | 8005E71C 03E7 8005E71E 03E7 |
Max ATT 1st Digimon | 8005E720 03E7 |
Max DEF 1st Digimon | 8005E722 03E7 |
Max SP 1st Digimon | 8005E724 03E7 |
Quick Level Gain 1st Digimon | 8005E714 FFFF |
Max HP 2nd Digimon | 8005E774 03E7 8005E776 03E7 |
Max MP 2nd Digimon | 8005E778 03E7 8005E77A 03E7 |
Max ATT 2nd Digimon | 8005E77C 03E7 |
Max DEF 2nd Digimon | 8005E77E 03E7 |
Max SP 2nd Digimon | 8005E780 03E7 |
Quick Level Gain 2nd Digimon | 8005E770 FFFF |
Max HP 3rd Digimon | 8005E7D0 03E7 8005E7D2 03E7 |
Max MP 3rd Digimon | 8005E7D4 03E7 8005E7D6 03E7 |
Max ATT 3rd Digimon | 8005E7D8 03E7 |
Max DEF 3rd Digimon | 8005E7DA 03E7 |
Max SP 3rd Digimon | 8005E7DC 03E7 |
Quick Level Gain 3rd Digimon | 8005E7CC FFFF |