Video Game Cheat Sheet

Welcome to Catan

When you download the cheat sheet, you will see that it is basically a list of possible starting hands labeled 1 – 16. These hands are ordered from the best (number 1) to worst (number 16) possible starting hands. When you sit down to a new game of Jacks or Better video poker, have your strategy card ready. Cheatsheet To Ensure Your Video Game Passes the Compliance Test Be it any platform – XBOX One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch or 3DS, months of development and QA efforts will go to waste if your game fails to clear the console manufacturers’ compliance testing parameters and guidelines.

Catan - Setup

GameHexes are laid out randomly
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Numbers are laid on top randomly (no number on the desert)6s and 8s cannot be next to each otherThe robber is placed on the desert hexThe oldest player goes first, and play proceeds clockwiseEach player in turn places their first settlement and a connecting roadWhen all players have placed their first settle­ment, they then place their second settle­mentsSecond settle­ments also have one attached road, and are placed in the reverse order to first settle­mentsThe second settle­ments earn resources from their surrou­nding hexes

Catan - The Turn

Part 1: Dice RollThe player rolls the diceAny hex with a number matching the roll produces one resource for each settlement (two for each city) bordering itIf you roll a seven, you activate the robberPart 2: TradeTrade with other players, ports or the bankPart 3: BuildingResources can be exchanged for roads, settle­ments, cities or develo­pment cardsRoads must connect to other roadsEach settlement must connect to one of your own roadsSettle­ments cannot be built adjacent to another settlementCities are upgraded settle­mentsThe turn ends when you pass the dice to your left

Catan - Trading

You may trade with the bank at a 4:1 ratio (4 of the same card for one of your choice)If you have a settlement at a standard port, you can trade any resource at 3:1Marked ports allow specific resources to be traded at 2:1, but no other tradesOnly the played whose turn it is may offer, or be offered, tradesPlayers may only trade resource cards (not develo­pment cards)

Catan - The Robber

The robber must be moved to a new hexA hex with the robber produces no resourcesWhen a seven is rolled, anyone with more than seven resource cards must select half, rounded down, and return themWhen you place the robber on a new hex, pick a player with an adjacent settlement and steal a random resource cardThe robber is moved when someone rolls a seven or plays a knight card

Catan - Develo­pment Cards

Develo­pment cards can be purchased from the bankA develo­pment card can be played at any point during your turn (one per turn)Develo­pment cards cannot be played on the turn they are purchasedVictory Point develo­pment cards should not be played until you are declaring victory!

Catan - Building Costs

RoadBrick, LumberSettlementBrick, Lumber, Grain, WoolCity2 Grain, 3 OreDevelo­pment CardWool, Grain, Ore

Catan - Useful Websites

Official Sitehttp:/­/ww­w.c­ata­n.comCatan at BoardG­ameGeekhttp:/­/bo­ard­gam­ege­ek.c­om­/bo­ard­gam­e/1­3/t­he-­set­tle­rs-­of-­catanStrategy Tipshttp:/­/ww­w.s­ett­ler­s-s­tra­teg­y.comCatan Introd­uction Videohttp:/­/yo­­/tu­k23­A27osg

Catan - Altern­ative Rules: Layout

Hexes stay hidden until bordered by a road or settlementNumbers stay hidden until bordered by a road or settlementHexes and numbers stay hidden until bordered by a road or settlementYou can not start with settle­ments bordering 6s or 8s6s and 8s must be on unique resourcesVideo Game Cheat Sheet

Catan - Altern­ative Rules: Gameplay

If you roll a double, you get to roll again! Three doubles and you lose your resources.If a 2 or 12 is rolled, it counts as both a 2 and 12.If a die rolls off the table, re-roll!Whenever you place a settlement or city you get a develo­pment card.

Cheat Codes Video Games

Deserts are '­gol­d' - your choice of resourceUnoccupied hexes received resources and the first to build next to a hex collects the accumu­lated cardsSettle­ments can be built next to each other, but cities can notSettle­ments and cities can be built next to each other

Catan - Altern­ative Rules: Robber

When a 7 is rolled you can put the robber on any hex. If no settle­ments or cities border that hex you can take one of that hex's resourceThe robber cannot be moved for the first two roundsIf a 7 is rolled, everyone picks the resource of their choiceThe robber cannot be placed on a hex bordered by somebody with only two V.P.sThe robber can remain on the same hex when a seven is rolled or knight is playedWhen a player rolls a seven or plays a knight, they can be bribed!The robber only blocks a hex from producing, no cards are lost

Catan - Altern­ative Rules: Win Conditions

To win, you need at least 10 V.P.s, and two more than the next highest scoring playerNo hidden V.P.s - V.P. cards must be laid down immedi­atelyFirst to 4 cities winsEqual longest roads or largest armies get 1 V.P. each'­Longest Turn' card, worth -2 V.P.s

Video Game Cheat Sheet