How To Change Game Modes In Minecraft Without Cheats

Well you can not go into creative without having cheats allowed. So the only way to change from survival to creative is to type /gamemode 1 and the other game modes are /gamemode 0 (survival) and /gamemode 3. (spectator mode). Minecraft is undoubtedly one of the most exciting games developed in recent times. It’s particularly popular because it gives you the chance to add new characters, terrain, collectibles, change.

  1. Spectator is a game mode that is only available in the PC/Mac version of Minecraft. It was first introduced in Minecraft 1.8 to allow players to fly around and observe the Minecraft world. Players in this mode can not interact with anything in the game, but can fly through solid objects.
  2. With the key combination F3+ n you can switch between the creative mode and the spectator mode, but you have to be in one of the two modes to be able to use this key combination. There are no other key combinations to change the game mode.
  3. To Change Your Gamemode, First press the forwards lash on your Keyboard. Into your chat box, type /gamemode Don't actually type the forward slash again, as it should already be there. > /gamemode 1 That puts you into Creative. 0- Survival.
  4. Before loading the game go to world options (something like that) and tick host privileges. Then, when you load the world, press the touch pad. Press either the top button to change everyone's game mode or the button with your username to change your personal game mode. Scroll down until you find the game mode setting and change it to survival.

Do you want to be a God in your blocky gamey world? If yes, then you are in the right place! If you are a real gamer, you must know how important it is to understand the Minecraft console commands. Whether you want to change the game mode without loading the new world, copy a build already existing, or cheat your direction to your universe. Minecraft consoles are the must! It not only helps you to play the game like a pro. But consoles also helps you to build a creative playstyle. Well, there are an endless number of Minecraft cheats out there. These cheats vary in difficulty and complexity level. We have brought some of them for you so that you can use to tease your friends. What’s the fun of gaming without a little bit of trolling and friendly griefing?

Use of Minecraft Cheats:

You all must be wondering how one can enter the Minecraft console commands, which are going to be listed below. So the steps are easy. It would be best if you hit the forward-slash key(/). When you will do this, a small window will appear on your screen. You will have to input the code and press the ‘Enter’ key, and your command will soon activate.

The player can use the up and down arrow keys in the keyboard. This step will help to scroll through all the commands that the player had used before. If the player wants to cycle through all the possible options, he needs to press the Tab key whenever he enters the commands. And if you wish to the Minecraft cheats to work, he needs to be in the same game where he had to enable the cheats when he had created the gaming world. If you are playing in the ‘Single player world,’ then you need to enable the cheats yourself for doing that you need to open the game to LAN. After that, select “Allow Cheats” (you can do this even if you are not using LAN). This command will stay until you want to quit the world.

List of Shorthand Minecraft Commands:

The following are the shorthand codes. These shorthand codes will save you from typing in the name of different players. These codes will also help you memorize so that you don’t have to type long names like “Shooter_John_Bruv_77” every time some new jobber joins the game you are playing.

Use the following shorthand codes:

  • @s – Yourself
  • @a – All players
  • @e – All entities that exist in the world.
  • @r – A random player playing.
  • @p – The player who is nearest to you.

The following can help you to check the world seed:

/Seed: This will let you see the seed for the current world that you want to replay the grain from the start or want to pass it along to a fellow mate.

Minecraft Difficulty Command

Do you find a problem in changing the in-game difficulty? Just follow the easy step. All you have to do is replace the latter part of the code with any of the following.

  • Easy
  • Peaceful
  • Normal
  • Hard

For example: /difficulty normal

Are you finding difficulty in duplicating multiple buildings? Well, you need clones for that purpose.

Clones are the selection of multiple blocks to go into another location. The clones may prove to be very helpful if you are creating or building a city space. And also, clones can be used if you want to replicate various buildings in several areas. For your starting point use “<x1> <y1> <z1>”. For your ending point use “<x2> <y2> <z2>”. Hence, “<x> <y> <z>” is for the area where you want your cloned blocks that you need to spawn.

Example: /clone 100 234-10 200 300 200 100

How to change Minecraft’s in-game Time and Duration:

Use “/time set <value>” This will set the in-game time for you in the game. All you need to do is that you have to add any of the following numbers in the end. This cheat will change the time of the daytime to another time that you want to choose.

  • Use 0 for Dawn.
  • Type 1000 for Morning.
  • Use 6000 for Midday.
  • Model 12000 for Dusk.
  • Use 18000 for Nights.

Minecraft Command to Change the Weather:

Use the following code “/weather <rain/clear/thunder>”

This command will help the players to change the in-game weather to any type the player wants. For example, if the player wants the weather of thunderstorms, then use; “/weather thunder.” When the player uses this, then Thunderstorm will start in the game. If you are going after the charged creepers, then this code is crucial for you. Because you will not want to sit still and wait for the thunder to come, this command can prove to be helpful where the players need to change the weather.

Stay tuned for more information, and enjoy your gaming!

If you want to make things much easier than just using Creation Mode, these are all the Minecraft cheats you can use to get everything you want.

Like many other games, Minecraft offers the possibility of entering commands that activate cheats in certain versions of the game. In principle, these are available in all versions of the PC and mobile game but not in all console versions.

First of all, you have to consider a number of things regarding console commands :

  • The game asks if you want to activate them when you create your world. Obviously, if you want to be able to use them at some point, you must select yes.
  • If you create a world and useful tricks, you cannot unlock achievements.
  • Depending on the server you play on, the tricks may not be used.
  • Given the deep level of modification that the game has undergone since its launch, depending on the server on which you play it is possible that certain commands may not work, or that there are completely different ones.

How to enter Minecraft cheats

In this case in particular and unlike other games, you do not have to open a command console, just type in the chat bar the correct commands to make the trick activate. If you are playing in the desktop version, this is done by pressing the T key. The pocket version of the game has a specific button to start chat and display the window.

All the Minecraft cheats and tricks

Keep in mind that the tricks are introduced as you see them in the list, they all start with /. Remember to respect white spaces, beards, upper and lower case. Just in case, for the most obtuse, the two points are not part of the trick.

Cheats to change the difficulty

  • / difficulty peaceful: switch to Pacific mode
  • / difficulty easy: switch to Easy mode
  • / normal difficulty: switch to Normal mode
  • / difficulty hard: switch to Hard mode

Game Mode cheats

  • / gamemode 0: switch to Survival Mode
  • / gamemode 1: you change to Creation Mode
  • / gamemode 2: switch to Adventure Mode
  • / gamemode 3: switch to Viewer Mode

Cheats to change the weather

  • / weather clear: clear
  • / weather rain: it rains
  • / weather thunder: it rains and lightning strikes

Cheats for the time of day

  • / time set day: it becomes day
  • / time set night: it becomes night
  • / time set 18000: it ‘s midnight
  • / time set 12000: anocehcer
  • / time set 6000: it ‘s noon
  • / time set 0: dawn
  • / gamerule doDaylightCycle false: time does not pass
  • / time query gametime: return to game time

For Achieving any goal

/ give name character name object cantidobject

As with the previous case, you have to know a little about how this Minecraft cheats work. It is much easier than it seems, do not worry:

  • The character’s name is your name.
  • Object name is the name of what you want to add. With a minimum knowledge of English, it is very easy to use. For example, diamond_block is a diamond block, iron_helmet is an iron helmet, diamond_pick is a diamond spike … as in the previous case, the game has a small autocomplete function to help you as you type.
  • log cant object is, of course, the number of times that object will appear in your inventory once you enter the trick.

Enchant objects

  • / enchant name character name name level

The thing is a bit more complicated in this case. To introduce this Minecraft cheats you must consider the following:

  • The character’s name is your name.
  • Enchantment name is either the English name of the enchantment or its ID in the game. The game itself has a small “autocomplete” and, for example, if you write “fire_pr”, they will suggest you write “fire_protection”.
  • Leveling is a non-mandatory part of the trick and sets the level of enchantment that we are going to apply.
  • So, for example, / enchant SaiSaEr fire_protection 3 would apply a level 3 fire protection enchantment to the SaiSaEr character.

Summon characters and NPCs

  • / summon name XYZ
  • In this case, the command makes appear whatever we put in a name, provided it exists in the game. For example, the skeleton makes a skeleton appear, pig a pig, horse a horse, spider a spider, creeper a creeper …
  • The XYZ part is optional and sets the exact coordinates on the XYZ axis of the world. This part is completely optional, if you don’t put it, whatever you invoke will appear next to you.


There are two versions of the teleportation trick and both work completely differently. Be very careful, because the first one can be complicated to use and conclude with your death.

  • / teleport charactername XYZ

In this case, the character name is your name and XYZ corresponds to the coordinates on the XYZ axis of the world.
Keep in mind that if you appear too tall you may end up dead by the fall.

  • / teleport charactername ~ X ~ Y
  • This second teleportation command is much easier to use and teleports you in a horizontal plane, so there is no danger of falling from a great height. It is basically used to travel long distances.
  • Keep in mind that you might appear inside a rock and have to chop to get out, or see yourself in a pile of lava if you don’t know where you’re going.
  • character name is, of course, the name of your character.
  • ~ X corresponds to the movement you will make in a west/east direction. It is a number that corresponds to the number of blocks that you will move in the above direction. If you move west, the number has a – ahead.
  • ~ And it corresponds to the movement you will make in a north/south direction. It is a number that corresponds to the number of blocks that you will move in the above direction. If you move south, the number has a – ahead.
  • For example, / teleport SaiSaEr ~ -17 ~ 54 will cause the SaiSaEr character to move 17 blocks westbound and 54 northbound.

How To Change Game Modes In Minecraft Without Cheats Pc

Mineral guide


It is the most precious mineral in the game because with it we can create more durable and efficient peaks, swords and armor.We will find a diamond between layer 5 and layer 12, but you will need to be patient to find it.Be careful with the lava, because sometimes you can dig so much that it may appear and you will get chickens alive.


The second most searched mineral in Minecraft.We will find it between layers 32 and 35, although more easily in layer 32. Once we find it, we will have to melt it in the oven to be able to use it.


One of the most useful minerals to create good armor, after the diamond.We can find it mainly in layer 64 mainly, and also between layers 65 and 67.


Despite being one of the most common minerals, we will need it many times to create torches and to operate the oven.It is found from layer 128, virtually anywhere.

Lapis Lazuli:

How To Change Game Modes In Minecraft Without Cheats Xbox 360

Once you find it you can use it directly without having to treat it.We will find it between layers 23 and 25.

Red stone:

We can use it directly from nature and it will allow us to improve our armor and weapons.It is found from layer 12, although it will be frankly difficult to get hold of it.